
学费 & 金融援助


澳门葡京博彩软件欢迎并支持来自所有经济背景的合格学生. 作为学院承诺的一部分, 可负担性和公平性, Smith has eliminated loans from its undergraduate financial aid packages for those students receiving institutional need-based aid, 用机构拨款取代这些资金. 学院将满足所有的文件需求, 这是由大学政策决定的, 在公布的截止日期前申请资助的所有被录取学生中. 

这部分是为申请入学的准学生准备的. 如果您是在读学生,请到 学生财务服务网站 了解财政援助的截止日期和政策.


每个家庭都是独一无二的, and we are here to help you through the application process and provide financial advice to help manage the cost of college. 不管你是传统的一年级学生, 转学生, Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件, 或国际学生(或任何组合)!),了解你的经济援助选择是很重要的. 

While planning for college can be stressful, we’re here to support you each step of the way.


澳门葡京博彩软件 不包括学生贷款在本科经济援助计划 对于那些接受基于需求的机构资助的学生, 我们用学院的助学金来代替贷款, 这意味着学生毕业时不会背负如山的债务.


  1. 取消财政援助计划中的贷款
  2. 为低收入学生提供一次性创业资助

This initiative advances the college’s goal of ensuring that the college experience is equitable for all students, 不管家庭经济状况如何.

澳门葡京博彩软件每年提供超过8000万美元的机构财政援助, 我们在招收符合佩尔助学金条件的学生方面一直处于领先地位. 校友和捐赠者的慷慨, as well as prudent management of our finances—especially our endowment—allows us to make this investment at this time. Eliminating loans from financial aid packages represents a next step in equalizing the experience for students, 不管家庭资源如何.

All undergraduate students receiving institutional grant aid—including international students and undocumented students—who meet established deadlines.

是的,都是本科生, including those attending Smith with a student visa and those with permanent resident status, 有资格.

是的,都是本科生, 包括无证学生和拥有DACA身份的学生, 有资格.

Does this apply to students who entered Smith as 转学生s or Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件s?

No. 这一政策变化只适用于澳门葡京博彩软件的本科生.


Startup grants are intended to help low-income students with expenses associated with the beginning of their college experience. They will be available to students whose expected family contribution (as determined by Smith) is less than $7,000.

任何新, entering high-need student whose Expected Family Contribution (as determined by Smith) is less than $7,000人将符合资格.

On average, approximately 20% of Smith’s incoming students would be eligible for startup grants.

We know that starting college can include expenses that are not fully planned for and that, 对一些学生来说, 这些意想不到的开支会让上大学变得更加困难. The startup grants are designed to help ease the pressures of everyday expenses, 比如布置宿舍, 参加社会活动和当地旅游, 并满足个人日常生活的需要. 澳门葡京博彩软件已经支付了与图书相关的费用, 学费, 食宿, 在指定的休息时间旅行.

We are determining how and when students will receive this grant and will update eligible students prior to enrollment.


学生 are billed for one-half of the annual charges at the beginning of each semester. The Cost of Attendance includes allowances for out-of-pocket expenses that most students incur during the year.


学生 who are approved by the Office of 居住生活 to have a non-traditional housing or food arrangement have a modified Cost of Attendance. 欲知详情,请浏览 传统学生页面


成本(U.S. 美元)



食物 & 住房








成本(U.S. 美元)








有这么多的变量, 很难知道你上大学要花多少钱. These tools can help you estimate eligibility for need-based financial aid at Smith and how much you might expect to contribute.




澳门葡京博彩软件 has announced an ambitious initiative to financially support students by 1) eliminating loans from its financial aid packages, 2)为低收入新生提供一次性创业资助, and 3) providing students receiving institutional need-based grants graduating in 2022 with one-time launch grants. This initiative advances the college’s goal of ensuring that the college experience is equitable for all students, 不管家庭经济状况如何.

From its inception, 澳门葡京博彩软件 has embodied the principle of education access and equity. Sophia Smith envisioned a college where women would receive an outstanding education, 是那种, 在她的时代, 仅限男性使用. 在我们的历史进程中, 我们渴望招收世界上最好的学生, 无论如何, as well as to ensure that students can participate equitably in all that Smith has to offer. 澳门葡京博彩软件每年提供超过8000万美元的机构财政援助, 我们在招收符合佩尔助学金条件的学生方面一直处于领先地位. 校友和捐赠者的慷慨, as well as prudent management of our finances—especially our endowment—allows us to make this investment at this time. Eliminating loans from financial aid packages represents a next step in equalizing the experience for students, 不管家庭资源如何.

All undergraduate students receiving institutional grant aid—including international students and undocumented students—who meet established deadlines.

是的,都是本科生, including those attending Smith with a student visa and those with permanent resident status, 有资格.

是的,都是本科生, 包括无证学生和拥有DACA身份的学生, 有资格.

Does this apply to students who entered Smith as 转学生s or Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件s?

No. 这一政策变化只适用于澳门葡京博彩软件的本科生.

Startup grants are intended to help low-income students with expenses associated with the beginning of their college experience. They will be available to students whose expected family contribution (as determined by Smith) is less than $7,000.

任何新, entering high-need student whose Expected Family Contribution (as determined by Smith) is less than $7,000人将符合资格.

On average, approximately 20% of Smith’s incoming students would be eligible for startup grants.

We know that starting college can include expenses that are not fully planned for and that, 对一些学生来说, 这些意想不到的开支会让上大学变得更加困难. The startup grants are designed to help ease the pressures of everyday expenses, 比如布置宿舍, 参加社会活动和当地旅游, 并满足个人日常生活的需要. 澳门葡京博彩软件已经支付了与图书相关的费用, 学费, 食宿, 在指定的休息时间旅行.

We are determining how and when students will receive this grant and will update eligible students prior to enrollment.

Financial aid awards beginning in fall 2022 will include only grants and a work expectation, which will be awarded up to the full demonstrated financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial 服务.

No. Existing loans already awarded will remain the responsibility of the borrower to pay back. 无贷款计划适用于2022年秋季开始的经济援助计划.

虽然这个新项目旨在解决学生债务问题, 学生仍然可以从联邦直接贷款计划中借款. 学生 seeking loan assistance should contact the Office of Student Financial 服务 to inquire what type of loan, 和数量, 是可能的.


以下 行为准则 是2014年3月由NASFAA董事会更新的吗. 受 执法程序 that go into effect July 1, 2015, NASFAA institutional members of NASFAA will ensure that:

  1. No action will be taken by financial aid staff that is for their personal benefit or could be perceived to be a conflict of interest.
    1. Employees within the financial aid office will not award aid to themselves or their immediate family members. 工作人员将把这项任务留给机构指定的人员, 为了避免出现利益冲突.
    2. 如果提供了首选贷方列表, it will be compiled without prejudice and for the sole benefit of the students attending the institution. The information included about lenders and loan terms will be transparent, complete, and accurate. The complete process through which preferred lenders are selected will be fully and publically dis关闭d. 借款人不会被自动分配给任何特定的贷款人.
    3. 借款人对贷款机构的选择不会被拒绝, 阻碍, 或者被机构不必要地拖延, 即使该贷款人不在该机构的首选贷款人名单上.
    4. 任何金额的现金,礼物,或利益超过 微量允许 amount shall be accepted by a financial aid staff member from any financial aid applicant (or his/her family), or from any entity doing business with or seeking to do business with the institution (including service on advisory committees or boards beyond reimbursement for reasonable expenses directly associated with such service).
  2. 财政援助办公室提供的信息是准确的, 无偏见的, 并不反映出于实际或潜在的个人利益而产生的偏好.
  3. Institutional award notifications and/or other institutionally provided materials shall include the following:
    1. 该机构的出勤成本的各个组成部分的细目, 指定所有可能的收费.
    2. 明确每项奖励的标识,表明援助的类型.e. 赠与援助(补助金、奖学金)、工作或贷款.
    3. 使用NASFAA的标准术语和定义 授予信术语词汇表.
    4. 每个奖项的续期要求.
  4. All required consumer information is displayed in a prominent location on the institutional web site(s) and in any printed materials, 容易识别和找到, 并标注为“消费者信息”."
  5. 财务援助专业人员将向他们的机构披露任何参与, 兴趣, or potential conflict of interest with any entity with which the institution has a business relationship.


北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-2530 电子邮件: sfs@azarnewsonline.com

呼叫中心工作时间:周一至周五上午10点.m.-中午和下午1:30-3:30.m. (美国东部时间)